Yoga for Cystic Fibrosis

Yoga for Cystic Fibrosis

Yoga for Cystic Fibrosis Helping the CF community to find wellness of body, mind and spirit. Since 2010, yoga has been one of the key ways I’ve kept myself healthy, stabilizing the respiratory symptoms of CF and finding exceptional...

Sweden 2015

Sweden 2015 A concert tour, a mountain, and a family reunion three generations in the making   On the heels of my sudden and unexpected fame due to Allt för Sverige, I embarked upon a two-month adventure to explore the country (on my own terms, this time).  It...

Kebnekaise Summit July 2015

Photo group:  Nikkaluokta-Kebnekaise, Sweden July 2015 Katie Malik (Gig Harbor, WA-USA) and Anne Andersson (Malmö, Sweden) on the south summit of Kebnekaise, the highest point in Sweden. This photo is authorized for print & web publication with attribution to...
Headshot & Promo Photos – May 2015

Headshot & Promo Photos – May 2015

Katie Malik 2015 Headshots & Promo Shots These photos are authorized for print & web publication with attribution to Danielle Barnum Photography. Click photos for high-resolution versions....
Allt för Sverige

Allt för Sverige

Allt för Sverige SVT's hit TV show about ten Americans seeking their Swedish roots In 2014 I had the opportunity of a lifetime to explore the country that my Swedish ancestors left behind four generations ago.  I participated in a Swedish television show called Allt...