Photo group:  Nikkaluokta-Kebnekaise, Sweden July 2015

Katie Malik (Gig Harbor, WA-USA) and Anne Andersson (Malmö, Sweden) on the south summit of Kebnekaise, the highest point in Sweden.

Katie Malik (Gig Harbor, WA-USA) and Anne Andersson (Malmö, Sweden) on the south summit of Kebnekaise, the highest point in Sweden.

This photo is authorized for print & web publication with attribution to Anders Kvist. Click photo for high-resolution version.



The below photos are authorized for print & web publication with attribution to David Robertson. Click photos for high-resolution versions.

Katie Malik and father David Robertson on summit of Kebnekaise
Katie Malik takes in the view from the Västra Leden (western trail) up Kebnekaise.
Katie Malik on the 19 kilometer trail from Nikkaluokta to Kebnekaise Fjällstationen.
Katie Malik looks toward Kebnekaise from Västra Leden.