What is “life-changing?” Last year, after Allt för Sverige, hands-down the most popular question I got was whether the experience was life-changing. I didn’t know how to answer. It was life-enriching, certainly. And life-affirming in a truly great...
Gig Harborites – Pick up your copy of Gig Harbor Living magazine during Jan 2015 and turn to pages 14-15 to find an article about yours truly! You can also read the online version linked below. We talked about Allt för Sverige but also my experience as a singer...
Recently I met a number of people with CF who are just like me. They’re living active, full lives even though they have CF. I no longer feel alone, a statistical outlier, an aberration in the normal flow of things. When I found these people (rather, they found me) I...
Several months ago I was asked to write about what my yoga practice looks like with my chronic disease, cystic fibrosis. I’ve been pondering how best to express it and I think the most effective way to talk about it would be as an FAQ – with questions asked from...
A lot of the time when people find out I have CF, they’re pretty surprised since they know me first as a singer. I think that’s a good thing, because it means that as much as my CF has challenged me, it also isn’t immediately apparent to the...
I struggled with how to be authentic on this blog when I first created it a couple of years ago. I had a sort of writer’s block, and couldn’t identify the reason why. I realized that it was because, as a singer, I didn’t want to make it known to...