Happy Mother’s Day to my loving, generous, adventurous mom!

The two of us stopping to enjoy the view on a family road trip (circa 1988?)

The two of us stopping to enjoy the view on a family road trip (circa 1988?)

Mom – had you been in town today I would have invited you to come to our church this morning. I sang this little piece I think you would like (click the link to listen).  Thank you for all you’ve done for Jess and me!

Jesus, Sweet the Thought of You

O Jesus, sweet the thought of you

which fills my yearning heart,

but sweeter is your company and it will not depart.


No voice can sing, no ear can hear,

no thought can bring to mind

a sweeter sound than Jesus’ name:

God’s gift to humankind.


O Jesus, hope of guilty folk

who long to be forgiv’n,

you welcome all who question you

and seek a glimpse of heav’n.


And what are you to those who find?

No pen, no tongue can tell

what Jesus’ love is like: they know

in whom you choose to dwell.


O Jesus, be our deepest joy,

our glory and our prize,

until in heav’n we see ourselves

and all things through your eyes.


Text:  Bernard of Cluny (c. 1140-1150)  translation and tune:  John Bell  2005, Iona Community, GIA Publ, onelicense.net # A-714736